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  1. 1 广东省农业科学院农业经济与农村发展研究所,广州 510640;2 华南理工大学,广州 510641
  • 出版日期:2017-01-20 发布日期:2017-01-20
  • 基金资助:

    广东省属科研机构改革创新项目“广东现代农业产业经济与流通监测预警平台”(2014B070706015) ;广州市重点实验室项目“广州市农业产业经济与流通重点实验室”(2014SY000001)

Comparative Analysis on Cost and Benefit of Rice Production in Guangdong

  • Online:2017-01-20 Published:2017-01-20



关键词: 水稻, 成本收益, 比较分析, 广东


The rice cost-benefit of comparison between inter annual, varieties and inter regional,and the cost-benefit between rice and economic crops were analyzed, the rice cost-benefit data from 2004 to 2014 as the basis. The results showed that the costs of rice production in Guangdong increased at an average annual rate of 10% in the past ten years;the price of rice rises is far lower than the cost of production rise, lead to the falling of rice planting benefit, even  loss, especially the net profit and cost profit rate is lower than the national average level, and significantly lower than the vegetables, fruits, peanuts and other crops. The author thinks that, the main reason of the low benefit of rice production in Guangdong is due to a low degree of scale operation and high cost, to improve scale operation and mechanized operations level is the basic way of improving the efficiency of rice cultivation.

Key words: rice, cost benefit, comparative analysis, Guangdong
